Sunday 23 August 2009

Weekly Update #2

Weekly Update #2 (17th August - 23rd August)

What a week it has been. I am back at work and hated every minute of it. However; it brings home the bacon and pays for my Eve Online subscription.

I gained another two followers! Yay! It is always nice to think someone actually reads this stuff.

This week has been the week where I posted chapter 2 of my fiction story but sofar nobody has commented. I suppose I expected someone to as the title ‘Mynxee’ should draw some attention. Also in the story Nashh has joined the Bastards and I was expecting to get in trouble for that as clearly I have not. Maybe nobody has read it.

CrazyKinux has kindly linked another one of my blogs on the speed linking list (thanks!) and has called out for bloggers interested in the blog pack, Pick me! Pick me! A lot of interest has been shown by some really good bloggers and thus competition is stiff. I will keep my fingers crossed until the 1st of September.

I also managed to squeeze 3 Celebrity Death Matches in; one on Monday with Hellcat cutie Venom Orchid and the second suitably at the weekend with Eve’s Weekend Warrior Tony. And I also caught up with Colonel Roc Wieler. The score is Celebs 5 and me in the lead with 7. Tony and Roc post will come tomorrow; including some very cool screen-shots.

I have also started some new topics; Ramblings, Helpdesk and Bio Funnies. In the topic Ramblings I intent to ramble stuff that I need to get off my chest or put stuff that doesn’t fit in anything else. Helpdesk will be short posts related to guides, fitting suggestions and such like. Finally I added Bio Funnies as my answer to Roc Wielers’ brilliant short posts of quotes and will simply be copied bio’s that made me smile, chuckle, grin or eve laugh out loud.

My fight with Venom Orchid and related Helpdesk post caused some controvocy as the fitting I had picked for the fight had been bespoke for her or gimped if one would prefer. I didn’t feel good about the victory to say the least. I have felt like a coward all week. On top of that I have been getting a lot of stick on the bastard kill board and also Hallan Turek posted a comment on the related blog. The Celebrity Death Match is something I enjoy doing and Hallan is clearly on the list however I feared I jeopardised future fights by what I had done. Again my apologies to the community and I ensure you a setup like it will not happen again.

Venom Orchid has been extremely good about it however. I have offered to retract the score, I purchased and contracted her a fully fitted and loaded Rifter and offered a rematch. The score is to stay as she stated I played by the rules set out, the Rifter I contracted to her has been declined for the same reason. (So now I am stuck with a Rifter I cant fly and fittings I don’t use) The rematch has been accepted however and I can’t wait! Time and a place are to be agreed and ship hulls could be Frigates or maybe Battlecruisers (YAY!). The Match has also been sweetened with a wager; Venom will design a banner for my blog if I win, I will do a saucy drawing of her if she wins. And yes, I have already started drawing in preparation for my loss ;-)

Roll on next week….

Related links/posts;
Celebrity Death Match #6 Venom Orchid;
Celebrity Death Match #7 Tonglil;
Celebrity Death Match #8 Roc Wieler; PENDING
CK speed link post;
Fiction 1, Chapter 2;


  1. :P Any night this week, you and me, get it on :P

    I am sure to try and win as I really really want to see that artwork of yours. lastly, ever think of a life of piracy? Could be fun!

  2. ahh, yes piracy. I am definitly working my way that direction. I am waiting for the Bastards to re-open recruitment and hope to get lucky... who knows we may fly side by side one day! and yes your drawing is coming together nicely... ;-)

  3. Damn I really gave you a leg up on the whole Nashh vs Celebs thing.

    They will sooo kill me later for the free kills :P
