Thursday, 29 December 2011
Return imminent...
'DESTINATION?' the flight officer shouted over the roaring engines.
'Dal' Nashh responded slowly, squinting his eyes.
'DAL! you fucking prick'
Nashh simply nodded.
Nashh made his way up the ramp without looking back once...
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Help? part 2 ... purchase imminent.

After much debating and thinking I have chosen to try one more laptop, it suits my personal life a little better than a desktop and as far as I can tell it will certainly suffice for my needs.
This will be purchased tomorrow unless anyone disuades me before I leave to the shop.
Friday, 23 December 2011
This. is. too. funny.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
I found a really cheap Acer desktop, £380 with optional second screen.
Processor; 1.3 GHz AMD E-300 APU
Memory; 4GB
Harddrive; 1000GB
Graphics; AMD Radeon HD 6300
All I use it for is EVE, word, video editing. Will this work?
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Updatez Pleaz? 3/3 Beaute
Fuck! Whartup bitchez!
Nashh is that you?
Yahar howz it going huh?
Yes well, all in all it's pretty good. We could do with some more bodies here, this hole is providing more we can handle at the moment.
Roger roger...
Er... Yeah so I have taken over loot payouts for the moment, I hope that's ok with you?
Yarz, fuckit...
Right, it's just that the guys where needing some iskies you know? Sorry man but it has been a while huh?
Fuckits man whatever, yer know...
You ok Nashh?
Fucking awesomez, great!
Right, good to hear. I have used some of the Corp funds to provide subs for as long as I could but our take is more than I could payout from our reserves. Jita and Amarr markets have been kind and just over eleven billion has been payed out for the last few weeks.
Fark... (burp)
Yeah I know good stuff huh!? I have taken the liberty to promote a few of our more loyal pilots and Dragon has been given full Director rights.
Ugh... Yarz...
It was easier that way with moving the POS and all. Anyway all is well, let me send you some graphs and figures to illustrate our progress here... Nashh?
You there Nashh?
Monday, 12 December 2011
Updatez pleaz? 2/3 Acute
Hey man...
Hey, hows it going?
Great man, just great...
Good to hear. Just to let you we got everything under control here, all is well.
Great. Just great...
So... Would you like me to mail you some reports?
Nah man, youzz have tings good and stuff huh?
Er... Yeah, you ok?
Yep yeps...
Ok good. So what can I do for yah boss?
Nothings, mjust wringing...
Right, gotcha.
So anything specific you are ringing for?
Nawr nah...
Right well if there isn't anything else?
Nopes... Howz the warz going brother? You boyz rippin it up huh? Like yer know like killin stuff right ha!
Are you drunk?
Just great man, cool stuff huh...
Yar... Yar...
Right, well, I guess I had better get on with some stuff here then ok?
Yar, stuffs and tings huh...
Yeah, yeah stuff and things. You take care now you hear?
Nashh? Nashh?
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Updatez pleaz? 1/3 Anabaric
Yeah who is this?
Who do you think fuckhead? Hello? Ana? Ana!?
Nashh redialed.
It's me, Nashh.
Nashh who?
Stop dicking around you penis, I need a favour.
Ah Nashh sorry man... Didn't recognize your voice. How's it going?
Yeah fine fine, listen...
Nashh paused a moment for Officer Anabaric to finish his chuckle.
You done yet?
Yeah yeah sorry, whattup?
I need you to arrange some new boats for me, get a pen and paper.
Shuttup and pencil this down, Worm, Moa, Machariel, Tornado, Dramiel, get me two of those actually, I need a full set of Crystals, some pills, blue of course, you still with me?
Er yeah but...
Shuttit, also get me five destroyers, Tengu hulls, two will do, I have the subs, pith shield boosters, two medium, two smalls, one hundred cap charges...
Nashh? Anabaric interrupted.
Yeah what?
You coming back?
Yeah I think so, soon hopefully...
It's just that...
Well we are on holiday, you know.
Remember holiday in null?
Well, get Acute to get that stuff ready then.
Dude, Acute is up here with me, have you not...
For fuck sake brother, pass me over to Cyber I'll get him to sort it out then, Jesus...
Er, Nashh, Cyber left, remember?
I... Right...
You ok boss?
You sound a bit stressed. Hows your little break? I hear the girls are pretty hot there?
Yeah... Flaming hot.
Cool cool, so you have a date for your return yet?
You sure you ok? You don't sound ok...
I... I gotta go...
Right, so what about that stuff?
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Reposted sketch for the flaming diva...

Shalee Lianne interviews Nashh Kadavr
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
'The Flaming Diva'

Nashh stood over the strangled remains of the young girl, she was barely 18. A drop of blood slowly started to trickle from her nose. Ariana, her name was, or so she said.
More frequently Nashh found himself getting into fights and sleeping with prostitutes or willing, naive young girls. He always had a tendency for violence when drunk or drugged but space combat relieved a lot of his inner anger. Planet-side-life simply wasn't something he fitted in with.
The girl had done him no wrong. She had in fact been very pleasurable and fulfilled most of his desires.
Ariana certainly wasn't his first kill, not even the first female but she was by far the most beautiful.
Slowly he gathered his belongings that were spread across the floor. From the back-right pocket of his jeans he pulled a small hip-flask, he swigged from the containing spirit within before covering the girl and the bed with what remained.
'Sorry' he mumbled, he meant it.
From the inside of his jacket he produced a pack of matches. He had picked them up from the same place he picked Ariana up from; 'The Flaming Diva''.
He smiled.
How fitting, he thought as he struck a few matches and lit up the bed...