So (KBG) currently shares the 'redsinfleet' intel channel, created as the brainchild of itsmeHck and occupied by Shadow Cartel Alliance and the infamous Tuskers.
The idea behind the channel is pretty simple; the people involved in the channel are not blue to each-other but can invite each-other to fleets when needed. The idea is pretty simple indeed but the execution is more complicated than one might think. There have been several altercations that have jeopardized the future of the channel but this post is my views on it and in no way represent the views of anyone else.
In the time that we have spent under Shadow Cartel's wings there have been a few occasions where I had to check with Alliance Leadership if certain targets are fair targets for us. There are a certain amount of pilots in the area that may be 'blue' to the Alliance but not to -KBG-, regardless we have chosen to adopt the same stance and have not opened fire.
When encountering a Tusker around the start of our time at Shadow Cartel I asked what rules of engagements we have with our 'enemies with benefits'. The answer was clear, engage at will but remain respectful, wherever possible ransom there pods rather than popping them.
Now these are not strange rules to follow or unreasonable, we have a similar understanding with Heretics in Amamake and The Bastards in Evati.
Over the last few days something has become more evident in the KBG relation with the Tuskers. Bastards and Heretics will wave in local and strike up a chat here and there, with a few exceptions the Tuskers do not.
There are a handful of Tuskers that are actually very friendly and accommodating, but the majority seems to have grown a dislike towards at least myself.
What is the point of this post? I don't know really, perhaps I am still a little disappointed in the actions of a particular Tusker yesterday and am not sure how to proceed.
Occasionally I fly to Hevrice to pick fights with the Tuskers, losing some winning some. Although I am space poor I wouldn't even ransom their pods if on a given occasion I would be quicker than their pro-pod-warps. I either don't even lock them or would let them go for a nominal fee to prove a point. If I win I even return their dropped items as an offer of respect.
Having spoken to several friendly Tuskers this is a tactic returned and part of the 'Pirate-code', making isk of a pod ransom is usually worth more than pod goo splattered over your ship.
In a moment of extreme derp I exploded my Jaguar 30 clicks from the Tusker home-station after mistakingly aggressing first and taking station sentry gun fire as well. The shock of my derp and in the following panic I failed to whip my pod out quick enough and was scrambled.
Mixed emotions of 'oh fuck' and 'it's ok, think ransom' shot through my head before being replaced with rage as station environment loaded.
I lost over 900 million isk in implants as I was carrying my low-grade Snakes and other stuff. Yes, it was my derp, yes I didn't get my pod out in time, yes we are not blue to each-other...
But how can I possibly fleet up with this jerk that in my eyes did me wrong and cost me serious spacemonies? I am stuck in a bit of a pickle as I cannot leave the channels we share, and there will be occasions where we will be forced to fleet up by our superiors. Or, will I refuse to fly with Tuskers? Or deny my Corp to fly with them? or just when the jerk is in the same fleet? Should I gank the fucker when we do share a fleet? Why can't I just get over myself? Have a quafe a smile and stfu?
Yes I am butthurt and yes I am still raging, I is mad bro mkay. Even more so now he has quoted me in his bio like a trophy and takes the piss out of me on their killboard. You fucking prick.
Politics in EVE suck balls.