Monday 12 December 2011

Updatez pleaz? 2/3 Acute



Hey man...

Hey, hows it going?

Great man, just great...

Good to hear. Just to let you we got everything under control here, all is well.

Great. Just great...

So... Would you like me to mail you some reports?

Nah man, youzz have tings good and stuff huh?

Er... Yeah, you ok?

Yep yeps...

Ok good. So what can I do for yah boss?

Nothings, mjust wringing...

Right, gotcha.


So anything specific you are ringing for?

Nawr nah...

Right well if there isn't anything else?

Nopes... Howz the warz going brother? You boyz rippin it up huh? Like yer know like killin stuff right ha!

Are you drunk?

Just great man, cool stuff huh...


Yar... Yar...

Right, well, I guess I had better get on with some stuff here then ok?

Yar, stuffs and tings huh...

Yeah, yeah stuff and things. You take care now you hear?


Nashh? Nashh?


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