Friday 25 June 2010

Friends and Family

Friends and Family

Over the past years I have met many different people in EVE and the social aspect of the game has been the driving force behind the Celebrity Death Match project. I still find it interesting hooking up with complete strangers and seeing what the outcome is, some encounters have been excellent and I still keep in touch with a lot of pilots I met over time.

This will only be a very short post as I merely want to draw attention to two guys I met just a few months back but have already had a major impact on my gaming experience. The chaps from Kennsy Fried Chickin Kru live just a couple of jumps from my home system Evati and thus we are practically neighbours.

The kind of neighbours you can borrow a cuppa sugar from but also the kinda neighbours that sneak into your house at night to do unspeakable things to your dog. Both have recently started a blog and I highly recommend you take a few minutes to look over them.

Lady Shaniqua’s blog is the type of blog many of us like to read, combat reports with a hint of humour and class. LS has been a solid guy and we have done some sweet sweet violence on boats when we roamed together, he has been a great help in project Rifter and is a true fitting guru. Friend perhaps but always out for fun and nobody is safe unless fleeted up with this crazy pirate.

The only person that will always be safe is his (one and only) corp mate; Sassy B. Between the two of them their goal is to destroy every ship type in the EVE universe, and take my word for it they are doing pretty well in their quest. Sas has another skill, and what a skill it is, the man is a true artist. Personally I am a big fan of his work now displayed on his blog. Mr Sas is available for commissions; simply eve-mail him or convo him in-game and discuss details with him.

Keep up the good stuff guys, I love your work!


  1. i never done nothing to no dog i dont even know what your talking bout u cant prove it was me

  2. sounds pretty guilty to me dude, how else would you explain that rash on my dog man...

  3. I agree Nashh - this a great read.
