Sunday 15 November 2009

Weekly Update #11

Weekly Update #11

As you may have noticed I have not posted much and a weekly update seems a bit pointless as still I have not ventured out into New Eden yet.

My new laptop has been delayed by a few more days as the Blu-ray drive was out of stock. One option was leaving it out but I figured patience is a virtue.

So this weekly update does not have any new CDM posts, pirating adventures or any such juicy stuff.

The first CDM to be rolled out will surely be with Kirith Kodachi in Battleships (a CDM first) and has been dubbed ‘Rumble in Rens’. I can’t wait!!!

Following the Bastard Kill Board and Ransom Board closely I can see I am missing out on all the fun. =(

In other news however Rettic has just finished a new banner for my blog and I figured it be good to post about it. I highly recommend for i-podders to click on the linky link and check out his website if you normally only read through the Capsuleer application.

His website has to be one of the sexiest looking blogs I have seen so far. Mr Rettic had posted a little while ago that he would be willing to do some banner art and such like for the blogging community. Very generous of him indeed and again testament of how close this community really is.

Having seen some of his work I jumped on it and put my request in immediately. I just received his email with the art work and figured I’d post it immediately. I’ll post the art in this blog for you i-pod Capsuleers also;

Other than that I just wanted to point out I posted artwork competition earlier this month with a 250 million isk prize for the winner. I have had some interest shown but I have not received any actual work.

I will extend the dead-line by another 3 weeks to 4th December and increase the prize to 500 million isk! Surely this should generate some interest? Remember anything is welcome and all work sent in will go up for public vote.

Also a quick reminder for everyone to vote for our new CSM members. My votes would have been split between Teadaze and Spectre but read this hilarious post to see why Spectre wont be running anymore. Each to their own of course, but my 3 votes are all for Teadaze (read his Campaign here). Good luck my friend!

That’s it for now and I hope to join you all again very soon…

Watch this space.


  1. Rettic does do some fine artwork. I took him up on his offer as well. Many props to you Rettic
